The season is upon us once again. If you're like me, you buy way more candy than you'll ever pass out, and now you've got half a bag of leftover Halloween candy, and you know it will only hinder your efforts to get or stay healthy. What to do? Never fear! I've got some ideas for you!

The mindset for wellness
First, let's talk about mindset. I know how it feels to give away, or otherwise dispose of, food that is yours. Especially if it's food you really like. Trust me, being a dietitian does not absolve me of loving sweets (Reese's are my favorite!)!
But here's the thing - most of us eat WAY too much of it WAY too frequently. It gets away from us. We forget how much we've eaten. We justify it. We chalk it up to weak resolve, or whatever. And before we know it, the bag is empty and there's a mountain of wrappers sitting on the table.
"I might as well just eat the rest of it, and then it will be gone!"
"I can't get rid of those Snickers bars! They're my favorite!"
Sound familiar?
If you find you're thinking similar thoughts, try answering the following questions:
- What is your health or wellness goal?
- How will keeping all that candy around contribute to or inhibit that goal?
- Is the candy more or less important that reaching that goal?
- What does that candy represent to you that you hesitate to let it go? This is getting deep but sometimes we need to go there!
For most of us, of course the candy isn't more important that our health or wellness goals, but it's still difficult to come to terms with the idea.
Pro tip
When you're really struggling with what to do, sometimes it helps to do this little thought experiment. Ask yourself:
"What would the person I strive to be do?"
That's the future person you will be - when you reach your goals and you're living the life you want to live, the way you want to live it.
If your ideal self wouldn't eat all the candy, read on!
Donate your leftover Halloween candy
There are lots of charities around that will accept unopened leftover Halloween candy! No more feeling bad about just throwing it in the trash! Contact your local homeless shelters and food banks to see if they accept it. Several organizations also put together care packages for soldiers overseas using donated candy. Here are some options to find a donation center near you:
Treats for Troops
Halloween Candy Buy Back
Take it to work
I know lots of us may be working from home now, but if you go to a physical workplace, this is a great way to spread the love! Just make sure anything you take is in its original wrapper.
Freeze it and ration it
There's truly nothing wrong with having a piece of candy here and there. Freezing it allows you to ration it better because you don't have a huge pile of candy sitting in front of you, and you won't mindlessly eat it because it has to thaw - unless you're the type to eat it frozen! Take one or two pieces out to thaw at a time for snacking.
If you already know you're not the type of person to be able to have just one or two, this option may not be for you. Be honest with yourself.
Give leftover candy away
Give it to a family member, friend, or neighbor who would appreciate it. Long term care facilities or other group home-type setting may also love to have it.

Many people struggle this time of the year - the time I've dubbed "Hallo-thanksgiv-mas." This year, you can make it different. Be the person you want to be right now. You can do it!
How do you get rid of leftover Halloween candy that supports your health and wellness? Let me know your Hallo-thanksgiv-mas wins in the comments section below!
cameron says
I have never thaought this idae before in mine life .
To freeze it is really amazing idea .
Thank you so much
MilkFrotherTop says
To freeze? Ha ha! I would never have thought of that. Brilliant idea.
The freezer idea is great!!! It helps you to forget about the candy.
Laura Yautz says
Out of sight, out of mind!